After the Flood What Sign Did God Give Noah That He Would Not Flood the Earth Again

Don Stewart

After the Alluvion God made an unconditional covenant with Noah and his descendants. This is known as the Noahic covenant. There are several specifics of this covenant.

Universal Scope The scope of the covenant is universal.

So God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, maxim: And equally for Me, behold, I plant My covenant with You and with your descendants later you, and every living creature with you: the birds, the cattle, and every animate being of the earth (Genesis 9:8-10).

1. Fill The Earth God gave Noah a similar commandment that he had given Adam and Eve. They were to fill up the earth. The same Hebrew give-and-take that is used in Genesis 1:28 meaning to fill, not refill or restock. There is no thought of some Pre-Adamic race in the globe.

2.Dominion Over Animals

The rule over the animals would now be different. Fear and terror would now characterize the relationship of beasts to humanity. God performed a gracious deed in giving humankind the rule over the beasts. If the beasts were allowed to multiply without whatever restraint, they may have eventually wiped humanity off of the confront of the earth.

Problems With Wild Beasts

In Leviticus 26:,6,22 the problems with wild beasts are mentioned. In the Book of Revelation wild beasts become a global threat during the tribulation because of lack of food at the time. Without a potent sense of fear and terror, some of them could prey upon humanity.

New Nutrition?

One of the ways God permitted to help solve this new problem with the animals was a new diet for humankind. Previously, at that place had been a vegetable diet, at present in that location was a meat diet. The vegetable diet was yet in result after the Fall. If human's ate meat before the Flood, there is no record of information technology in Scripture. We are non specifically told why God permitted the eating of meat after the Flood, though the keeping down of the animal population is one obvious reason. Information technology has also been suggested that humankind's physical strength was not the same as before the Flood equally is evidenced in his decreased life-bridge. The meat diet was at present more necessary to their survival. This also demonstrated God'due south mercy by this increased provision.

Finally, the fact that humans could consume animals emphasized the gap betwixt humanity and the animate being kingdom-just humankind has been made in the paradigm and likeness of God.

Non all agree that this new nutrition was instituted subsequently the Flood. There is no prohibition of eating meat before the Flood. The Bible is silent on the matter.

Prohibition Of Eating Blood

The Bible says that humanity is not to consume mankind that has non been drained of its claret. The sacredness of the blood is emphasized in this command for it is the life-principle for both humanity and animals.

For the life of the mankind is in the blood, and I accept it to y'all upon the altar to make atonement for your souls (Leviticus 17:11).

These prohibitions accept nothing to exercise with blood transfusions. There are some groups who believe that the sacredness of the blood does not allow themselves or others to receive blood transfusions. This, notwithstanding, is not the intent of Scripture.

3.Death penalty

Humankind was allowed to shed the blood of other humans. The decease penalty was given for murder.

Whoever sheds the blood of a human, past a human shall that person's blood exist shed; for in His own epitome God fabricated humankind (Genesis 9:half dozen).

Since life was sacred, as represented by the claret in the trunk, God will require the life of an animal or a human who takes the life of a human being. The taking of a life must be outside the sphere of a proper punishment by a ceremonious authority or legitimate defence force of one's cocky or others. God does not crave the decease penalty for those who lawfully put another one to decease or who impale in cocky-defense.

Although humankind may shed the claret of beasts for food, they are not allowed to shed the claret of another humans.

4.No More than Floods

One of the promises God fabricated to Noah and his descendants is that there would be no more floods like the one that they endured:

Thus shall I establish My covenant with yous; Never once again shall all flesh exist cut off by the waters of the flood; never once again shall there exist a inundation to destroy the earth (Genesis ix:11).

If the Flood were just local, then the promise has seemingly been broken considering in that location have been many devastating local floods since Noah's time. Those who believe in a local Inundation practise not think this is the case. There have been devastating floods, but there has not been a flood that has destroyed all of humanity.

v.Sign Of The Rainbow

God gave a sign of the rainbow to Noah and the residuum of humanity that He would not destroy the earth over again past means of a Overflowing.

I fix My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth (Genesis nine:13).

Though there may have been rainbows earlier the Flood, the sign of the rainbow testified that God would never over again destroy the world by a Flood.


The covenant God fabricated with Noah include the following:

Like Adam, Noah and his family were commanded to make full the earth.

two.The animal kingdom would now be in fearfulness of humankind.

3.Upper-case letter punishment would at present be in bear upon.

4.There would be no more than floods like the 1 God sent.

5.The rainbow would be the sign that God would not transport some other Flood.


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